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Becoming Limitless Coaching

Taking Natural Healing Beyond your Boundaries

  • 2 hr
  • 75 British pounds
  • Cabin|Wellness at The Courtyard

Service Description

In these uncertain times it is even more important to take care of ourselves, but also to recognise that these challenging times can be the most important experiences to happen in our lives, opening us up to creativity that we felt we didn't have time for before, a new sense of fun and excitement, a passion for life, time for ourselves.  However, for some, as we go through this process, it can bring up fear, stress and overwhelm. It could be that you're feeling 'disconnected' from yourself right now, maybe you have Menopause symptoms and you're not sure what to do next, has lack of sleep become a problem, are you looking for a new life path, the list is endless. We are all unique, we all have something that we wish we could be, do, be better at, not have anymore of etc! This is where Coaching can become your ally - finding the issue or issues, then building a plan together, so that I can support you on your healing journey. I say healing, because most of the problems that we 'think' we have, stop being a problem once you get to the root of the issue. That's when the overwhelm, frustration etc start to dissolve and a healing occurs, and suddenly the challenge you came to me with initially, doesn't feel so daunting and is now in reach I give you tools that can easily be implemented into your everyday life, as well as teaching you how to nourish yourself from the inside out so that you feel strong, and back behind the wheel of YOUR life! I can work with you online via Zoom anywhere in the world, but also in person at my wellness studio in Crickhowell, whichever works best for you. Let's do this together x

Cancellation Policy

For cancellations, please can you give us at least 48 hours notice, otherwise you will still be charged. Thank you x

Contact Details

  • Cathedine, Brecon, UK

  • Kathy Newman - The Essential Healer, Standard Street, Crickhowell, UK

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